What is a Group?

Brentwood Baptist Groups are ongoing biblical communities that grow, care, and equip.
You will grow and mature in your faith, encourage and care for other believers, and be equipped to make disciples.


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Interested in hosting some friends and neighbors or starting your own Bible study?

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Top 10 Questions People Ask About Groups


How much of my time is this going to take?

On campus Groups meet weekly on Sunday mornings for one hour.

Off Campus Groups usually meet twice a month (some more often) for Bible study. These meetings are two hours long including a snacks/meal/fellowship time. However, we encourage Groups to do life together dinner nights, playing golf, boating, and even taking vacations together.

The biblical community that is built in a Group can be life-changing. Most groups also have a monthly social where they invite unconnected friends and/or monthly or quarterly project in which they serve.

What are we going to do with our children during Group?

On Campus childcare is via Brentwood Baptist Children’s and Preschool Ministry Bible study programs. Your children usually attend their Bible study the same time you go to Group, then all worship together.

Off Campus childcare is decided by the Group or individual family. The first hour of the meeting the children usually fellowship with the adults. During Bible Study time Groups have found various approaches to childcare:

  • Hire a babysitter for the group.
  • Find another home near the host home with a parent keeping them.
  • Adults rotate keeping the kids in a separate room.

Will there be homework? If so, how much?

Most Groups do not have homework from a book. There may be daily devotionals that are suggested or weekly considerations to which you need to compare your life. However, some Groups will read a book together then meet to discuss it.

Am I going to have to talk or can I just sit and listen during meetings?

Groups are like family — sometimes you talk, sometimes you listen. Your participation in the conversation during Group time is up to you. We are all at a different place and move at a different pace on our spiritual journey.

Will I have to pray out loud?

No. Again, you can move and grow at your own pace. If the time comes in your life that you feel you need to voice a prayer request, that will be well received. If the time comes you would like to lead in prayer, that is also well received.

Who else is going to be in the group?

On and Off Campus Groups are formed by the leader and core team inviting friends, neighbors or acquaintances to attend a launch meeting or a neighborhood social. There they will announce and invite people to help start a Group.

Groups are also formed at Group Connect, which is an event on Brentwood Campus for those interested in joining a Group. This gives those looking for a Group a chance to meet and chat with several Group leaders. At Group Connect you may agree to try a Group for a six weeks. At the end of the six weeks, each person can choose to continue with the Group or search for another Group. This allows you a definite time to try a Group but also have the assurance that there is an out. Group Connect is offered periodically throughout the year on Brentwood Campus.

How much do I have to know about the Bible?

Groups are about building biblical community and learning the Bible, not debating it or being tested on it. Groups grow, care, and equip each other to be more like Christ next year than this year. Wanting to know more about the Bible is one reason you would want to be in a Small Group.

How many weeks or months is this group going to last?

Groups are like family. Some of them continue for years, and others may see the opportunity to multiply and start new groups after meeting for a few years.

If I don’t like it, can I leave without people being mad at me?

Yes, though most people build such community that they do not want to stop being part of the Group. However, if you need to discuss an issue or options for choosing a new group, please see our Groups Team at the Welcome Center any Sunday morning or email [email protected]

What are we going to be doing during the meetings?

On Campus Groups meet for one hour. This time is divided among fellowship and Bible study. There is always time for prayer and sharing of life issues where others in your group can help you walk through life and not be alone.

Off Campus Group meetings usually last two hours. That includes an hour for social, fellowship, meal/snack time — building community. And an hour of Bible study where the Group learns and discusses the material and Scripture that has been previously agreed upon. There is always time for prayer and sharing of life issues where others in your group can help you walk through life and not be alone.


Visit our Groups Finder below to view a complete list of available Groups.
If you do not see a group that fits, contact us and we’ll help!

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