The Student Ministry at Brentwood Baptist is passionate about helping your student embrace the life God has for them as they believe, belong, and become who He wants them to be.

Weekly Gatherings


9:30 AM | Bible Study | Grades 6-12 | Hudson Hall

Breakouts are grade and gender-specific and led by vetted adult leaders.

11:00 AM | Bible Study | Grades 6-12 | Room 2046

Small group Bible Study led by adult leaders.


6:00 PM | Check-in and fellowship begin.

6:20 PM | Worship begins in Hudson Hall.

Life Groups

LIFE Groups offer students a place for biblical, life-giving community. While most of our groups meet from fall-spring on Wednesday nights, we also have options on Sunday morning all throughout the year. We can’t wait to help your student find the right group for them!

Upcoming Events

Students Bible Reading Plan

Join our plan on the YouVersion app!


Your Child’s Safety Matters

We value the protection of your child. That’s why we hired MinistrySafe in 2021 to reinforce and enhance our policies and procedures regarding abuse. We thoroughly vet our staff and volunteers as well as requiring background checks and child abuse prevention trainings. Through our Code of Conduct, leaders commit to live by God’s Word and follow His standards for holiness, living above reproach in their actions and attitudes.

For all emergencies, our teams are equipped with detailed plans for weather-related events (such as fires or tornados), power outages, and active intruders.

Learn More

Our Staff

Anna Brackins

Student Ministry Assistant

[email protected] Send Email

Billy Mahaffey

Student Minister | Groups & Leadership

[email protected] Send Email

Evan Kunz

Student Minister

[email protected] Send Email

Savannah Watts

Girls Minister & Missions Mobilizer

[email protected] Send Email