
Sundays at 9:30 AM


On Campus
Room: Wilson Hall C

Group Leader

Sam Bowman

We have a mission to challenge and encourage each other to seek the Lord in all we do as class members.  Our class format consists of an in-depth lecture on a particular Book of the Bible (i.e., 1 Samuel) as we progress Chapter by Chapter with highlights on the historical context of the verses, followed by class participation and how the Word applies to our lives.

While we are multi-aged and encourage younger and more mature attendees, both single and married, to join with us, class members are typically in their 40's through 60's. Our members seek both sound biblical teaching and fellowship with believers who are desiring to grow in their walk with Christ.  

We also participate in outside co-ed gatherings such as a Christmas event while also arranging women only gatherings, male outings, etc. We distribute prayer lists weekly as well as frequent communication on current issues. Our goal is to create a community of believers for support and fellowship with the stated objective of spreading the Gospel.

Interested in joining this group?