What is Flourish?

Flourish is a year-long discipleship program designed to root women deeply in God’s Word through Scripture-based mentoring.

  • This journey fosters spiritual growth in small groups of 3-6 women.
  • Participants explore biblical perspectives on identity, calling, relationships, and prayer, guided by experienced mentors.
  • Flourish challenges women to live according to Titus 2:3-5, cultivating a God-filled life dedicated to the Gospel while building meaningful relationships that encourage and challenge each other’s faith walk.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a good mentor?

  • A good mentor for Flourish is a woman with a deep, growing relationship with Jesus and a love for God’s Word, who is committed to seeing women grow in their faith walk.
  • She models godly behavior as described in Titus 2:3-5, actively helps connect Scripture to all areas of a woman’s life, and balances offering guidance with allowing mentees to discover biblical truths for themselves, all while remaining humble and open to mutual growth.

What's expected of a mentor?

  • Mentors will be expected to meet with their mentees at least once a month in-person, as well as a weekly touchpoint for a year (January–November).
  • Mentors are expected to display Christlikeness, a growing relationship with Jesus, care for younger women and generosity with their time and wisdom.

What's the time commitment?

  • Meetings take place monthly and include opportunities for mentors to connect with their mentees one-on-one as well as opportunities for women to gather as a group with their shared mentor.
  • We encourage women to build daily devotional time into their lives, spending time in the Word for 15 minutes five days a week. Everything you need for the journey is provided in the FLOURISH curriculum, including your daily devotionals!

Do I need a mentor right now?

  • If you’re seeking deeper discipleship, accountability, and wisdom in your walk with Jesus, mentoring through Flourish might be right for you.
  • You don’t need to be a “super Christian”—all that’s required is a willingness to commit to the journey and a desire to grow in your faith.
  • Flourish is designed for younger women (18-30) to learn from older women, to help you deepen your relationship with Jesus, regardless of your current spiritual maturity.
  • Your mentor will walk alongside you, exploring Scripture and helping you apply God’s Word to all areas of your life.
  • If you’re ready to invest in your spiritual growth and see what God has in store for you, now might be the perfect time for a mentor.

What's expected of mentees?

  • Have focused time with Jesus 5 days a week
  • Complete assignments for each session throughout the year provided by Flourish
  • Commit to pre-determined meeting dates throughout the year and make them a priority
  • Be punctual for meetings and respectful of mentor’s time
  • Be real and intentional in each meeting, making the most of the opportunity
  • Be accountable for assigned work and in areas where it’s been agreed that growth is needed

Do I get to pick my mentor?

  • Mentees and Mentors will be matched by the Brentwood Women’s leadership team.
  • We consider many factors to provide each mentee with the best mentor possible given her stage and season of life, including passions and geographic location.